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Social Media For Beginners
  • Social Media For Beginners

  • Date: Wed 08 May 24
  • Time: 1.00pm
  • Location: Online

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The Go Succeed Start team hosts this workshop, during which you will:

Get a tour around Instagram!

  • In this beginner’s guide, I’ll share everything you need to know about the features of Instagram and how to use the app.

Understand the Algorithm

  • How the platforms evaluate the overall popularity of a post, using signals like how many people are liking, commenting, sharing, and saving, and how quickly these activities happen.

Identifying you target audience

  • The goal is to attract more customers who have similar goals, aspirations, pain points, and challenges as your best customers. In addition to increasing ROI, understanding your target market allows you to build relationships and better communicate with consumers. You can develop creative that speaks to specific personas and develop brands that coincide with the interests and values of those most likely to purchase the product/service.