Go Succeed in Marketing Your Start Up Business
- Date: Wed 29 May 24
- Time: 12.00pm
- Location: Online
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The Go Succeed Start team hosts this interactive workshop with Chartered Marketer and SOSTAC Certified Planner Christine Watson. This workshop will walk new small business founders through the process of successfully marketing their start-ups to reach target customers.
Participants will:
- Gain practical insight into the steps needed to begin their marketing journey
- Be inspired by real-life local examples of effective start-up marketing
- See how new businesses go about communicating online and offline to those they seek to serve
- Be walked, step by step, through the essential elements of the marketing mix
- Learn how to go about implementing a strategic marketing playbook for their new business
- Identify the most important factors when measuring marketing success
Filled with quick, actionable tips, this online workshop includes insights from launch marketing in practice across Northern Ireland as well as signposts to help participants avail of further learning opportunities to assist them in the implementation of specific marketing tools and techniques.